Tuesday, 12 July 2016


THE energy sector got yet another boost yesterday as the country launched its action agenda and investment prospectus for Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative by 2030.

The inauguration of the document means that Tanzania has now shown more commitment to the global initiative, SE4ALL, which is the brainchild of the United Nations (UN).
The SE4ALL is led by the UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon, the aim being to achieve universal energy access, improve energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable energy by implementing different power projects.
During the launch of the prospectus for Tanzania in Dar es Salaam, Minister for Energy and Minerals, Professor Sospeter Muhongo, said: “For me, I have been involved in this initiative for years since its beginning in the UN; so I find it fit for Tanzania.”
Prof Muhongo argued that energy was about people and “therefore, when we discuss it at national or global levels, our focus should be on the population’’.
He noted that this was due to the fact that population was growing at a rapid pace as the figures show that the country’s population would go up to 87.6 million by 2030 from the current 45 million.
 “The population is increasing; we have to provide power accessibility. So you can see that the task ahead of us is tough,” he said, adding that “if we are wise enough, we are supposed to plan for the 87.6 million population because the increased population requires us to make sure that we create jobs, wealth and services to these people’’.
 Prof Muhongo further underscored the necessity of considering the issue of climate change as the World and Tanzania embark on implementing the SE4ALL. He said the ministry was always carrying the agenda to the global meeting over the issue of minimizing emission of greenhouse gases.

For more information read here 


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